“Ask Me Anything About Social Enterprise” Webinar 2022 Series

Are you curious about social enterprise? Trying to figure out how to solve a social problem using a business model? What burning questions do you have?

At this Ask Me Anything about Social Entrepreneurship session, a team of experienced professionals will be available to answer your questions (or help you find the resource you are looking for).

The webinar is hosted by the Trico Foundation Social Entrepreneurship Centre at the Haskayne School of Business and will feature these panelists:

  • Jordana Armstrong, Associate Director, Social and Clinical Innovation, Innovate Calgary
  • Jane Bisbee, Executive Director, Social Enterprise Fund
  • Brittni Kerluke, Manager of Capacity Building, Trico Charitable Foundation
  • Dan Overall, Executive Director, Trico Charitable Foundation
  • Christine Spottiswood, AB SEED (Alberta Social Economy Ecosystem Development)

This time is meant for you to ask your questions about building, developing, and funding your business, so bring your questions! Dan Overall says:

“We are thrilled to be part of AMAASE because it gives a pretty potent one-two punch. One, it gives a growing number of Albertans who are interested in learning about social entrepreneurship a regularly scheduled chance to ask questions. Two, it features a panel of local leaders that are supporting social enterprise development, giving us a chance to deepen our comradery and learn from each other.”

Date: Tuesday February 15, 2022

Time: 3:30 to 5 p.m.

Sign up now! https://haskayne.ucalgary.ca/ask-me-anything-about-social-enterprise 


Save the Date for future Ask Me Anything about Social Entrepreneurship sessions!

March 15

April 19

May 17

June 21 

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