This guest blog post was written by David LePage, who will be leading “The What and Why of Social Enterprise” session at our Enterprising Spirit Conference.
A successful journey begins with deciding why you want to take the trip and where you want to go. And once the destination is determined a successful trip requires research, planning, and preparation. Without a goal, a map and the right equipment you may easily end up just going off in any direction. You may end up just wandering around, or wondering if where you ended up “is this where we want to be?”
Social enterprise is a journey, and it definitely requires all the same elements: a clear goal, getting ready, research, planning, and preparation before actually opening the doors and welcoming your first customers. And like any journey success is dependent on knowing where you’re going and evaluating your progress!
If you want to learn and share in a workshop on the “journey of social enterprise” join us for the workshop “The What and Why of Social Enterprise” at the Enterprising Spirit: Creating Value and Social Good Conference, on November 17th, 2011 in Calgary, Alberta.