
Shining light on our thinking & doing, our epiphanies & struggles, & our movement.

Social Entrepreneurship Mysteries: Solving Affordable Eyecare

Today’s Mystery: Affordable Eyecare

I’m a social enterprise and my dilemma is I want to get glasses and eye exams to a population that is low income, but they’re actually working. We want to use a business model, in other words selling a product or service, without resorting to government support or grants. How would you tackle this issue?

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Dean of Haskayne School of Business Provides Keynote on Social Enterprise: Video Now Available

November 21, 2019 was a night that put the celebration of social entrepreneurs front and centre, with the Social EnterPrize and What’s Next YYC awards. Sandwiched between those celebrations was a keynote that was provocative and profound. With the recent availability of the video of the keynote, Trico wanted to share this thought-provoking speech. Dr. Jim Dewald, PhD, Dean of the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, presented a keynote entitled, “Social Enterprise: A New Paradigm?”.

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5 Lessons I Learned While Realizing My Vision

The Trico Charitable Foundation (TCF) Summer Student program is the first of its kind that I have ever come across – something that lets me pursue my own dreams and financially support me as a full-time employee. This unique opportunity truly gave me the time and space to first realize, and later actualize my vision, which is funny because my start-up essentially helps high school students realize and actualize their potentials.

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Trico Foundation Hires Liaison for Local Student Social Entrepreneurs

The Trico Charitable Foundation (TCF) is excited to announce a new role, and welcome its newest team member. Alexandra Daignault joins TCF as Liaison for Student Social Entrepreneurs. In that capacity she will work with post-secondary students that are developing a social enterprise, by providing coaching, workshops, and other materials developed by TCF. The position was created to support the growing number of student social enterprises in our city, and help Calgary take one more step to realizing its potential as a Canadian social enterprise hub.

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It’s All in the Details–The Assumptions, Steps, and Challenges

This past summer working at the Trico Foundation’s Summer Student Internship, I was able to take my company from an ideation stage that had undergone 2 years of evolution, to its first pilot, to an official launch of operations, to a now rapid scale of production on its way to reaching a steady state within the next 18 months. Trico Foundation’s one-on-one coaching and group sharing through the A.S.E.S.S. program were pivotal to my progress.

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Owning My Journey: Developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets

When one hears “entrepreneur”, I’m sure the descriptions of trailblazer, problem-solver, innovator or risk-taker pop into the listener’s head. It becomes a description for someone who is brave and ready slay the dragon but also prepared to be imprisoned by the belly of the beast and make their way out to try again. It means never giving up, fail forward, solve the problem, and make a difference—create real change.

With these admirable traits, who wouldn’t want to be considered an entrepreneur?

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The Myth of the Ironclad Entrepreneur

Well, here we are again at the close of another summer.  I always feel like these months slip right through my hands – which is probably why I’m writing this blog about time management. Over the past few months, I’ve found myself learning my way into innovation and entrepreneurship in a way that is sufficiently self-directed.

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