Federal Government lends support for launch of Enterprising Non-Profits Canada, enp-Canada, a network of social enterprise communities across the country…

In a historic collaboration, seven regional non-profit organizations have come together to launch Enterprising Non-Profits Canada / enp-Canada. In the past, local enp sites have offered business planning and technical assistance to non-profit organizations wishing to develop, launch and grow social enterprises.  enp-Canada will now provide a platform for synthesizing those efforts, collecting insights and promoting further partnerships in the advancement of social enterprise in Canada. Social enterprises are businesses operated by non-profit organizations for the blended purpose of creating social value and generating income from sales.

enp-Canada’s launch coincided with the news that the Federal Government, through Human Resources Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), will provide $1.5 million over three years to support the creation of enp-Canada through matching funds for technical assistance and education for enp affiliates.  This funding adds a welcomed role from the federal government to the current mix of enp funders. The funding will be managed through the Trico Charitable Foundation in Calgary. In addition to the more than 15 local funders, HRSDC will join Capital One as the only other national funder of the project.

The initial sites participating include British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Toronto, Ottawa, Nova Scotia and Quebec through a partnership with Chantier de L’Economie Sociale. More sites are in planning stages as the program shares resources and creates more local partnerships with non-profit, private sector and government partners.

With support from HRSDC enp-Canada will expand local learning and technical assistance for non-profits to engage in business planning, expand social impact research and documentation, and launch a Social Enterprise Canada website.

The Enterprising Non-Profits Program, enp, began 15 years ago Vancouver in response to a small group of non-profit organizations seeking information and training on how to use business models, social enterprise, to improve their program delivery and support their financial sustainability. That initial project became Enterprising Non-Profits Program or enp. enp supports non-profits to learn about, do business planning, launch and grow social enterprises. 

12 years ago Atira Women’s Resources received a $10,000 grant from enp to do a business plan that has grown into a multi-million dollar property management company employing hundreds of inner city residents and supporting the needs of women and children.

Trico Charitable Foundation, established in 2008, seeks to provoke innovation and build capacity in social entrepreneurship. Its programs, initiatives and partnerships are dedicated to growing a community of sustainable, entrepreneurial organizations. For more information please visit tricofoundation.ca.

Contact: Michele Fugiel Gartner

Director, Strategic Investments & Operations
Trico Charitable Foundation





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