There are a growing number of events connected to social entrepreneurship. Many of them happen in our home city, demonstrating what an incredible hub of activity Calgary is. The Trico Foundation team is pleased to attend many of them and wish we could attend more.
This list from the last 60 days is our attempt to thank the hosts of these events and help get the word out about their great work:
- NESTA– Gearing up for Social Impact Webinar, hosted by Tamarack on May 18th, 2016
- Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER) Annual Conference, hosted by the University of Calgary on June 1st-2nd, 2016
- British Council/RECODE SSIM student trip where our first stop was the Pond Deshpande Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick and then we attended the 5th Annual Deshpande Symposium in Lowell, Massachusetts (full trip from June 9th-16th, 2016)
- Beakerhead Program launch- The Musical on June 16th, 2016
- ATB Entrepreneur Centre – Calgary Open House on June 20th, 2016
- Capital Ideas teamed up with ATB’s crowdfunding platform, Alberta BoostR, to talk with Sandra To, owner of Thyme Out Beauty Bus, Jordan Smuszko, co-founder of The Tropic Shop and Jacqui Grobler, culinary director at Streatside Cuisine Inc. about their startup experiences and their journey through crowdfunding on June 21st, 2016.
- Onward: Transformational Thinkers for a Transitional Time, hosted by the Calgary Chamber on June 23rd, 2016. Check out the hashtag #OnwardYYC here.
- YEAR ONE grand red carpet BoostR Stage pitch event on June 23rd, 2016.
- AlbertaIn Community meeting in Red Deer, Alberta, hosted by Innovate Calgary on June 24th, 2016.
- Strategyzer Webinar: Business Model Design For Mission Driven Organizations on June 29th, 2016.