The Skoll World Forum continues to amplify its connection to the local community of Oxford and the wider social entrepreneurship community by adding ecosystem events, public/free events, and ticketed events to its regular delegate events.

One of the ecosystem events in 2017 was The Future of Education for Social Impact. The Trico Foundation was honoured to attend this event along with 101 leaders in this space (the packed room was a testament to the importance of the topic).
Trico was also pleased to commission a summary of the conversations from fellow Canadian attendee, Nogah Kornberg, Associate Director of I-Think.
The conversation summary is now available here.
Starting with the critical question: “How can we ensure young people are self-empowered and equipped with the right skills and mindsets to become changemakers, motivated to affect a positive social impact?”, the summary delves into many insights around four key themes:
- The Tension Between ‘Scale’ and ‘Local’
- The Tension Between ‘Credentials’ and ‘Learning’
- The Tension Between ‘Now’ and ‘the Long-Term’
- Social Impact Education Opportunities
Trico updated the attendees on its Social EnterPrize case study work, which involves Canadian post-secondary institutions focusing on social impact. Collectively, those cases studies inspired a new report from Trico, “Building on Getting Beyond Better” (BonGBB). BonGBB calls for a rethinking of how we see the intricate yet inescapable interaction between the social and the entrepreneurial that is “social entrepreneurship”.
The Skoll Centre Team’s email distributing Nogah’s summary captures the essence of what The Future of Education for Social Impact group is all about:
[box]Dear Educators,
In these times, the need for an educational system that equips people with the power to transform the unjust and unsatisfactory systems and practices confronting us is more important than ever. The size and energy of the gathering for ‘The Future of Education for Social Impact’ during Skoll World Forum Week shows that there are many of us taking this need seriously and working in so many different ways to develop education fit for the challenges we face.
We are grateful to Nogah Kornberg from the Rotman School of Management for providing the attached notes and reflections from the event, which we hope you will find a useful reminder of the topics discussed. Thanks also to the contributors, our partners for the event, Ashoka and WISE, and to the Trico Foundation for their support. There is much work to be done, and opportunities for our community of educators to share ideas and experiences are valuable. We look forward to continuing to work together.
Best wishes,
The Skoll Centre Team [/box]
Trico Charitable Foundation has been involved in the Future of Education for Social Impact group since the Skoll World Forum in 2016 (click here to read our reflections on the 2016 Skoll event). Trico was also pleased to partner with the Skoll Centre of Entrepreneurship and J.W. McConnell Family Foundation on the Global Challenge. Our work on the Future of Education for Social Impact and the Global Challenge are both part of our RECODE initiative. Inspired by, working with, and building off of the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation’s RECODE initiative. Trico’s RECODE work is part of our effort to nurture social entrepreneurship in Canada’s post-secondary institutions.