The Trico Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the NU Student Social Entrepreneurship Awards. These awards will be given to student social entrepreneurs in 2021 and are meant to celebrate the best and brightest student social entrepreneurs in Alberta. These awards are to advance education and encourage academic excellence by celebrating excellence, best practices, high standards, advances in, and/or new knowledge relating to student social entrepreneurship. The NU Awards joins a number of Trico Charitable Foundation initiatives, such as What’s Next YYC and the Social EnterPrize, in advancing Alberta as a leader in social entrepreneurship.
NU Alberta Student Awards
The NU Community Board will be giving out three $10,000 awards to the best student founded social enterprises in Alberta. Applications open March 1st 2021 and will close Tuesday, April 6th 2021. For more information and to apply for this award, click here.
NU National Award
As part of our 2021 Social EnterPrize, we will be awarding $25,000 to the best example of student founded social entrepreneurship nationally. Applications open in summer of 2021, to be notified once the application please email us.
The board is Chaired by Patrick Chiu, the General Manager of Trico Communities, who is driven by the TRICO principle of doing well by doing good. Established by the Trico Charitable Foundation in 2019, the NU Community Board and program focuses on supporting and celebrating the best and brightest student social entrepreneurs in Alberta. By working with post-secondary institutions across Alberta, in addition to awards, NU Community Board is driven by the guiding idea: “Imagine if we fully harnessed the power of business models to close gaps in society.” [/box]